السياحة المستدامة: MED GAIMS تمنح 20 منحة لتطوير الألعاب


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The MED GAIMS project develops games to revolutionize the tourist site experience by gamifying it with both physical and virtual applications, thus increasing tourism flows to the destinations, and creating jobs and start-ups for game entrepreneurs.

The project applies game design to create experiences for tourists, and as a result gives a necessary competitive edge to the attractiveness of less known sites.

MED GAIMS aims to encourage the creative freedom of game designers to propose a variation of innovative, original and creative ideas, under a broad thematic umbrella. The broad theme for all games is Discovery, as all games shall contribute to helping visitors discover and experience the site beyond simple observation of the site.

MED GAIMS will be launching a competition to offer 20 funded grants for game development at selected tourism sites (5 per partner country). Grant size will be between 10,000-15,000 euro per game, depending on the type of game proposed.

For more information, please consult the following document: http://www.enicbcmed.eu/sites/default/files/2020-06/Pre-announcement%2015%20June%202020.doc.pdf