Circular revolution will have a disruptive impact on the job market. Watch INNOMED-UP video for more.

Municipality of Prato, an active partner of INNOMED-UP project from Italy, delivered an intensive technical training for the interested Cultural & Creative (CCIs) SMEs to build their capacities to adopt best practices of Circular Economy empathizing on the fact that Circular Economy is the biggest social revolution of the contemporary age. We can revolutionize good production and planning, leaving a positive impact on our system.

To attract CCIs SMES, the Municipality produced and disseminated different videos to raise people’s awareness about the concept at one hand, through delivering clear facts about adopting Circular Economy and attracting the CCIs SMEs to join the training on the other hand.

“Seriously: for a Prato citizen, being informed about Circular Economy is a must - it is the future of our city! It was this precisely the topic of an interesting seminar, held as part of the INNOMED-UP Project!”