The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

GREENinMED-subgrantees video in France

In its final stage, four grants with up to 25,000 Euro were given to Start-Ups or SMEs in France that produce eco-innovative products or services that advance more efficient water and energy management in tourism to advance sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean.

INVESTMED Policy Paper: Blue Economy within the Mediterranean Region: the Role of Regional Collaboration

This policy paper provides an assessment of the blue economy in Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia, highlighting the crucial role of regional collaboration in fostering the development of blue businesses in the Mediterranean Sea. It explores the opportunities and challenges associated with the blue sector and proposes strategies for leveraging financial markets to maximize the positive impacts on the blue economy. The paper emphasizes the importance of cooperation among the Mediterranean countries and outlines key recommendations for policymakers, stakeholders, and investors to promote sustainable growth and innovation in the blue economy sector.

Country Outlook on Sustainable Finance - Palestine

This publication aims at providing an overview of the sustainable finance sector in Palestine.

INVESTMED Policy Paper: Entrepreneurial Ecosystem’s Support of the Green and Creative Economy: Challenges and Recommendations for Egypt, Lebanon And Tunisia

This policy paper investigates the challenges of the entrepreneurial ecosystems to support the green economy and cultural creative industries with a special focus on the circular economy. The paper describes the status and investigates the challenges of the ecosystem for Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia by studying three attributes: cultural, social and material. It then provides general and targeted policy recommendations to support and improve the development of these industries.

A Practical Guide: Crowdfunding for CCI Projects in the South Mediterranean Region

Under the INVESTMED project, project partner, EMEA collaborated with Verkami, the leading reward crowdfunding platform in Spain and one of the largest in Europe, to develop a practical guide for entities in the cultural and creatives based in the Southern Mediterranean.

The guide briefly explains the different kinds of crowdfunding, focusing on reward crowdfunding and explains which companies are more suited to the approach and at what stage. It then runs through a step-by-step guide on how to launch a campaign, communication tips to grow the community, and advice on pitching the rewards to encourage more people to donate. It is aimed at MSMEs looking for alternative financing given that in the region, accessing finance presents myriad challenges for small and medium businesses.

Intellectual Property Rights: Major challenges and how to overcome them in Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia

The report, Intellectual Property Rights: Major challenges and how to overcome them in Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia, sheds light on the current situation of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the INVESTMED target countries: Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia, focusing on challenges related to the IPR enabling environment and providing insights on opportunities for the way forward. The report was developed based on several consultation sessions led by Beyond Group with INVESTMED entrepreneurs and policymakers in each target country.

The primary purpose of this study is to provide meticulously crafted recommendations to streamline and simplify the procedures associated with IPR registration for entrepreneurs operating within and from Lebanon, Tunisia, and Egypt.

INVESTMED Intellectual Property Rights Guidebook - available in English, French, and Arabic

The INVESTMED project published the Intellectual Property Rights Guidebook, available in English, French and Arabic. The Guidebook aims to guide aspiring entrepreneurs through the basics of intellectual property and relevant legal frameworks, including IPR treaties and conventions, and national legislation in Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia.

Confused about the difference between trademarks, copyrights and patents? Unsure what kind of protection covers a logo, a sound recording, or computer software? Want to know what laws are applicable to intellectual property in your country, how to apply, or how to oppose an application? This Guidebook can offer you a clear and comprehensive understanding of what you need to know about IPR including real-life practical examples.

Guide pour la surveillance des dechets marins et l'amelioration de la gestion des dechets dans le port de peche de Sfax (Tunisie)

This deliverable summarizes the results of a support process (mentoring) on prevention of marine in the port of Sfax. It includes a monitoring plan adapted to the fishing port of Sfax and its specific features, and a plan for the sustainable management of waste from land-based activities and marine sources.
The report will make it possible to
- Establish a regular monitoring plan previously tested with all the players involved in order to identify the problems of marine waste in the port of Sfax (typology, quantity, etc.).
- Identify the most appropriate measures for the prevention and mitigation of marine pollution and develop the process for its implementation.
- Strengthen the capacities of stakeholders and decision-makers in Sfax with regard to monitoring and measures to improve waste prevention and management of waste in the port of Sfax.

Organic agriculture operators from the Mediterranean: BOOKLET OF CONTACTS

The ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project has brought together a consortium of operators and public-private partners from Jordan, Lebanon, Italy, and Greece, aiming to drive business alliances in the field of organic agriculture.

In an effort to foster collaboration and promote top-quality organic products, we have compiled a comprehensive booklet of contact information for all the SMEs and partners involved in the project.

This valuable resource includes contact details for 35 operators and public-private partners who have been actively working with ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM. By creating a network of like-minded organizations, the project sought to facilitate cooperation and knowledge exchange among participants.

For individuals or businesses in search of potential business partners offering top-quality organic products, this document will prove to be a useful tool. It provides a wide range of options from a diverse array of SMEs and operators across Jordan, Lebanon, Italy, and Greece.

We are proud to state that this network of Mediterranean SMEs is committed to the principles of organic agriculture and has a demonstrated track record of excellence in their respective fields.

To offer a glimpse into the potential of ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM's network, here are a few examples of the participating SMEs. In Jordan, we came across the first organic producer of poultry products in the MENA region, as well as a supplier of caffeine-free coffee made from date seeds. Lebanon boasts the largest carob bean farm in the Mediterranean and is one of the vast network of farms and biggest distributors of organic products in the MENA and GCC regions. In Greece, we discovered exceptional extra virgin olive oil derived from ancient Mediterranean olive trees, in addition to a company specialising in high phenolic olive oil. Lastly, Italy presented gourmet organic almonds.

In addition to the SMEs, the consortium involved in the ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project included several esteemed partners. These partners played a crucial role in facilitating collaboration and providing expertise.

The consortium was composed of the Ministry of Agriculture of Jordan, the Jordan Exporters and Producers Association for Fruit and Vegetables (JEPA), the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Zahle and the Bekaa, the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, INNOPOLIS- Centre for Innovation and Culture, and the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME).

The booklet of contact information provided in this project is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to collaborate with organizations that offer top-quality organic products.


This document is a valuable source of information about the organic agriculture sector in the Mediterranean.
It provides updated country-specific details on organic agriculture in Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Italy, and Greece, including:
- Historical background
- Legislative and policy context
- Statistics on organic land, operators, and the market
- Organic livestock
- Imports and international markets
- Domestic markets
- Outlooks and future strategies

All the information in this document has been collected in the framework of the ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project network through a bottom-up approach that emphasizes the exchange of experiences and people-to-people cooperation.
The ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project, through this document, seeks to provide an analysis of the organic sector in the five pilot countries, considering the perspectives of various stakeholders, including the private sector.


Green Innovation IPR Guidebook

Guidebook on the Intellectual Property Rights of green and circular innovations.

Access to Finance for Green and Social Entrepreneurs

This Handbook is meant to support green and social entrepreneurs in better
understanding, and therefore, accessing the opportunities o$fered by social