FISH MED NET - #MeetOurPartners 7 : وزارة الزراعة اللبنانية


 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

Meet the partner of the FISH MED NET project, the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture

The Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture is mandated to elaborate fisheries and aquaculture regulations, which are the main drivers of fisheries governance.

A new law was drafted, instead of the actual basic fisheries law dating from 1929, which is marine fisheries- oriented; this new draft Law was forwarded to the PM Bureau, also the MoA by the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW), is governing The fishing licensing system in Lebanon, that issues the licenses for the fishing activities. Recently, DFW developed a web-based licensing system, already functional under a testing period, and supposed to be adopted starting 2021.

The management of fishing ports is the responsibility of the respective harbormasters and the fisherman cooperatives are part of this management where the cooperatives are managed by the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture.

The participation of fisheries community in decision-making, is rarely done and, if ever, it is at an informal level. Unfortunately, all respondents considered fishermen communities are not empowered (capable) to fully participate in co-management, this project will pilot the full participation of the private sector and/or the fisherman cooperatives.

To find out more about the partner :