MED4EBM: لبنان وإيطاليا وتونس والأردن أنجزت تدريبياً لتحديد النطاقات المواضيعية


المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

MED4EBM project partnersTyre Coast Nature Reserve (TCNR) in Lebanon, Amici della Terra Italia  in Italy, The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) in Jordan, and Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM) in Tunisia finished a training exercise around the Thematic Scoping.

The thematic scoping training was a practical training focusing on the situational analysis for the project integration which aims to support the teams in EB-ICZM application to break the reality down in several management sectors, such as natural resources, agriculture, tourism, fishery and so on. The analysis also includes the identification of the main services provided by the ecosystems of the focused area. The description of every single sector is developed in a set of system matrices, or tables where all the components are listed and illustrated, with components, possibly comprising one or more sub-components.

The event has been designed and deployed building upon innovative methods and tools developed by PROGES, the MED4EBM technical and methodological Partner, which are integrated in the PROGES Integrated Spatial Planning package  (

The training was held virtually by the lead trainer is the EBM Methodological Coordinator of the MED4EBM Project, Mr Francesco Falcetta, PhD, over four different training sessions with the four partners, a number of trainees participated in the training that was held virtually.

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