[MEDISS] دراسة التربة وتحليلها في وادي عربة (الأردن) ووادي الأردن (أريحا، فلسطين)

 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

The MEDISS Work Package 3 – Data analysis and Monitoring – has produced some results concerning the evolution of the soil quality in two pilot areas (Jericho in Palestine and Al Rusha in Jordan), as a consequence of the activities carried out by the project. 

Some preliminary considerations on aspects common to the two study areas:
Accumulation of soluble salt is a risk, which may be inherited from the lacustrine parent material (strongly calcareous and saline) or originated from irrigation with bad quality water. 

Salinisation and alkalinisation of soils are processes commonly observed in most arid regions where rainfall is not sufficient to ensure water leaching to clean out salts from the surface horizons. In aridic conditions, ascending capillarity is the main water movement inside the soil body, which results in the accumulation of salts in the surface horizons. 
The application of appropriated irrigation and agriculture techniques requires special attention in order to keep soil salinity as low as possible. 

High temperature and intensive insolation contribute to the rapid oxidation of the organic matter of the surface horizon, which results in bad physical and chemical characteristics of the cultivated layers, exposing them also to the action of wind erosion.
Cultivation and irrigation could contribute to the stability of the area. The presence of soil cover, the increase in soil moisture, the increase in the content of organic matter contribute to soil protection.