MoreThanAJob in Italy presents social economy and public administration together for a new community welfare


MoreThanAJob project recognizes the importance of public-private cooperation in delivering welfare services that are more responsive to the emerging needs of our society, especially for the most vulnerable groups. The Covid19 pandemic and its consequences have further highlighted the importance of rethinking our welfare models and the role of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors in this process. Developing an approach towards a shared administration based on co-design and co-delivery of social services is one of the key challenges of the post-pandemic phase.

In a context of social disintegration, accelerated by the pandemic, it has emerged the difficulty of identifying and implementing emergency and general support regulations, but at the same time, it shows the importance of the active participation of different actors from the social economy and of the cooperation between the different realities working at local level. This cooperation and sharing of means and resources enableto reach a larger number of citizens, especially those belonging to the most vulnerable groups.

In this context, il Centro studi e iniziative europeo (CESIE), our Italian partner, organizes a conference to promote the dialogue between public and private actors on the challenges and possible improvements for an overall orientation in the welfare services where new links and investments on human capital can be outlined.

During the event, the projects funded through the MoreThanAJob call for sub-grants will be presented. These initiatives aim to promote the active participation of local actors to support the development of services and initiatives that support the achievement of project objectives. Through these two new public-private cooperation initiatives, MoreThanAJob will be even closer to the territory, in particular in the Ballarò and Zisa neighbourhoods in Palermo (Sicily), for the development and improvement of social and employment services.

The project The Game - Orientation to the Future aims to promote the socio-occupational inclusion of migrants and to enhance welfare services for young and adult migrants.

The project Artigianato Interculturale - NOZ aims to promote the renewal of the working model of street vendors in Palermo, with particular attention to migrant workers, in a sustainable, ethical and legal way.

The conference will take place on 5th October at 5pm at the Nuove Officine Zisa - CRESM (Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo, Italy).

Check our Facebook event with more information (Italian only):

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