MENAWARA contributes to the issue of nitrate pollution in Sardinia, Italy


One of the most important aspects of the MENAWARA project is linked to the creation of living labs involving public actors to formulate policies able to encourage the adoption of the proposed innovations.

The opportunity offered by the meeting held on 6th December in Sardinia within the meeting in Oristano - in the framework of the MENAWARA Italian case study related to the use of non-conventional water to reduce the nitrate groundwater concentration - was therefore particularly important. Hosted in the headquarters of the Oristano Land Reclamation Consortium, the meeting allowed the comparison and the acquisition of knowledge on the topic of nitrates in the Arborea plain among all the competent bodies on water governance in Sardinia.

Representatives of the Regional Agriculture, the Hydrographic District Agency, and the Regional Environmental Protection Agency agreed on the need - expressed by the Reclamation Consortium and by the University of Sassari - to carry out interventions that can contribute to solving the nitrates issue with low-cost experimental interventions and the active involvement of farmers. In this context, the experimental contribution that the MENAWARA project is implementing in Arborea with the demo site through the Forested Infiltration Area (FIA) technique appeared very important: recharge polluted aquifers by channeling drainage water into designated areas planted with various species of trees and shrubs.