Youth Empowerment Day in Jordan with CROSSDEV


On December 18th, 2021 the Irbid Community Prevention Network, in cooperation with the West Asia and North Africa Institute, held an interactive day aimed at supporting youth in Bani Kinanah (Jordan) to find new jobs, create startups, networking and fund raising.

CROSSDEV – an European Union funded project focused at enhancing tourism as a tool to boost local economy – joined the interactive day where different topics were discussed together with fresh graduates, such as writing CVs, finding job opportunities, meeting market needs, looking at pioneer initiatives and businesses development.

Dr. Ahmed Freewan from the Jordan University of Science and Technology (local partner of the CROSSDEV project) talked about CROSSDEV and its aims of promoting sustainable social and economic development in the Mediterranean region through the development of cultural heritage, touristic routes in Umm Qais (Irbid province, northern Jordan), and the cultural and social heritage and common resources of the area to increase locals’ jobs opportunities.

Working together will boost local economy attracting more tourists in rural and internal areas which are rich of natural, cultural, and traditional beauties.

Dr. Ahmed Freewan presented the expected results of CROSSDEV: developing positive attitudes and practices in sustainable tourism, enhancing the involvement and commitment of public authorities and other actors of tourism-related businesses, educational institutions, civil society organisations, youth and the general public.

Read more here (in Arabic)

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