

Meet MoreThanAJob beneficiaries of the 10 selected projects and how social and solidarity economy actors will work with public administration to implement them

As part of the “MoreThanAJob” project, the 6 partners of MoreThanAJob consortium announced a call for proposals on May 20, 2021 for all collaboration projects between social and solidarity economy actors and public administrations aiming at improving social and welfare services to the most vulnerable segments of the population in order to increase the latter's opportunities for social and work integration.

The call of proposals was open to social and solidarity economy actors taking into consideration that their participation is non-profit and should focus on one of the following areas:

*Support for households and income, *Health and counselling services, *Education and Training, *Vocational guidance and employment support and *Culture and participation.

MoreThanAJob external evaluators in the 5 countries (Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Italy and Greece) selected 10 out of the 60 applicants to handle 2 projects in each one of the participating countries, to enhance cooperation between Social and Solidarity Economy actors (SSE) and Public Administrations (PAs) and to become “MorethanAJob” success stories.

The SSE actors involved in the sub-grants will undertake initiatives for the implementation of the MoreThanAJob framework. For this to have impact on society, the collaboration with the public administration is required. Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) will be signed between public bodies and the sub-grantees for facilitating the implementation of the sub-grants.

All 10 sub-granted projects will sign at least 1 MoU with a corresponding public body operational (depending on the sub-grant project topic).

Reference the above, BCTS- Business Consultancy and Training Services has the pleasure to invite you to a teleconference on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 1 pm Beirut Time with the 10 winners and the consortium partners to discuss the following:

  • MoreThanAJob Framework
  • Objective, Target and Progress for each winning project
  • The selected Public Administration


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