Elderlies and families’ caregivers adhere to the TEC-MED care model which meets their requirements in Tunisia

National Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology


Aging raises new issues in terms of quality of care and support. Aging can result in a decrease in functional capacities, an aggravation of sensory deficiencies, the appearance of handicaps, the occurrence of degenerative diseases, and an increase in acute episodes.

The TEC-MED Model "Development of a Transcultural social-ethical-care model for the dependent population in the Mediterranean basin” is an opportunity for the health sector to reinvent itself. TEC-MED will contribute to reducing the marginalization of elderly people and improve the quality of social services provided to them through the development of a common model supported by software applications.

Engagement of stakeholders in the TEC-MED project as partners in the implementation of the pilot phase 

Public institutions and NGOs advocating for aging with dignity work closely with the Tunisian TEC-MED Team to maximize the scope and scale of the model. We thank the Ministry of Women, Family, and Senior Citizens, which oversees nursing homes, mobile teams and foster families, Geriatric consultations in hospitals or in the basic health care center, and NGOs for their high level of engagement and great support throughout the implementation of the pilot phase.

Capacity building of training agents and relevant stakeholders on the TEC-MED model, process of care, and communication

This training is closely related to the capacity-building plans of TEC-MED in Tunisia.  Face-to-face and online specific training and exchanges between those professionals’ entities associations, social-care service entities, professionals, and technicians were delivered from early April 2022. 

This training was based on the international training module which went into detail about the methodology to be followed in the local communities, for data collection and sharing in French and in Arabic. 

Development of intervention modules: clear and usable

The TEC- MED project in Tunisian has developed a useful Interventions module. Training agents were upskilled for these affordable and accessible prophylactic solutions that can prevent functional and cognitive decline. These interventions aim to positively influence the physical, mental, and social well-being of the target people.

Acceptance and Adherence of Elderlies and families’ caregivers to the TEC-MED social care model 

Elderlies and families’ caregivers adhere to the TEC-MED care model which meets their requirements.

Older people with chronic diseases and/or at risk of exclusion experience high levels of stress and reduced quality of life. The TEC-MED model responds to their needs by providing safe and effective social care. On the other hand, elderlies have families that provide some level of care and support. This “informal care” can be extended in scope, intensity, and duration. 

The TEC-MED model focuses on the ways in which coping skills intervention will be effective in improving family caregiving tasks and social burden in families.

In Fact, The Training Agents are working closely with the elderly and families caregivers. After an assessment of the health and social state of elderlies, the Training Agent will set up adaptive interventions with seniors and their families’ caregivers which will help anticipate and prevent possible breaks in the pathways of life. Enhance the capacity building developed and supported by education, counseling, and training of elderlies, families’ caregivers are essential to commit to the needs of elderlies. The TEC-MED is delivering social care interventions from a holistic perspective: clinical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social.

Promoting family solidarity through the help of relatives.

 The TEC-MED model reinforces the active collaboration and shared decision-making between patients, families, and providers to manage customized and comprehensive personalized care. Aging should be the source of new fulfillment. A healthy longer life allows for a wider range of activities and interests.

Empowering operators functioning to provide health and social services to the seniors.

TEC-MED Tunisian team is training social care operators among NGOs functioning to provide health and social services to older adults.

We firmly believe that the value of stakeholder support and engagement as well as the acceptability and adherence of seniors and their families to the TEC-MED project will drive the successful implementation of the pilot phase.