Country Reports: Sustainability Challenges & Priorities

Project acronym:
Project title:
شبكة أورومتوسطية لتسهيل دخول الابتكارات من الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة للأسواق
2.2 SMEs access to research and innovation
Title of deliverable:
Country Reports: Sustainability Challenges & Priorities
Compilation of regional and national data, reports, studies and technology foresights, so as to extract the needs, challenges, opportunities, threats & obstacles existing for SMEs innovation in the in the EUROMED region with emphasis in the sustainability field. Analysis of roles that have been or need to be played by Research & Technology Organisations (RTOs), Intermediaries, clusters, Public Sector, etc. to facilitate SMEs accessing external knowledge and uptake of research findings.
Keep Keywords:
Innovation capacity and awareness-raising ; SME and entrepreneurship
See the deliverable:
C_A.2.2_0022 EMPHASIS_A.3.1.1.pdf