Roadmap for Operational uptake of EMPHASIS

Project acronym:
Project title:
شبكة أورومتوسطية لتسهيل دخول الابتكارات من الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة للأسواق
2.2 SMEs access to research and innovation
Title of deliverable:
Roadmap for Operational uptake of EMPHASIS
A roadmap consolidating recommendations and methodologies for Open Innovation in a modular toolbox for the Euromed area. This task will support the uptake of the EMPHASIS approach, services and operational environment through a hands-on EUROMED wide Deployment plan. Based on the OI Network Handbook, the consortium will propose different business scenarios, strategic alliance building with similar and/or complementary initiatives and will deliver a set of proposals for capitalization from operators.
Keep Keywords:
Governance, partnership ; Innovation capacity and awareness-raising ; Institutional cooperation and cooperation networks ; SME and entrepreneurship
See the deliverable:
C_A.2.2_0022 EMPHASIS_Α.6.3.2.pdf