NEX-LABS Joint Action Plan Recommendations.

Project acronym:
Project title:
مختبرات مفتوحة قائمة على الترابط من أجل النمو التنافسي والشامل في حوض المتوسط
2.1 Technological transfer and commercialisation of research results
Title of deliverable:
NEX-LABS Joint Action Plan Recommendations.
After setting the priorities, specific and targeted recommendations were found imperative to outline the action plan that would ultimately generate an informed strategy, supporting the implementation of Living Labs (LLs) and ensuring the success of the intended Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus approach. As such, consecutive sessions with partners were organized that were diverse and ranged between virtual meetings and in person workshops that resembled the intended LLs. The MURAL, an interactive online platform, was used to host partners of these projects and experts in the field, engaging in discussions and fulfilling tasks required for the development of the Nexus Joint Action Plan (NJAP). The MURAL incorporated a series of steps to be followed during various sessions. The tool built upon the recommendations from previous NEX-LABS activities, implementing measures to assess and prioritize the necessary actions. As such, over several meetings and focus group discussions, partners were able to assign several targeted actions for the pre-assigned recommendations, identify the timeline and impacts of the actions, assigned scores, and ranked the priorities, by that validating the
determined priorities.
Policy recommendations
Keep Keywords:
Clustering and economic cooperation ; Education and training ; Governance, partnership ; Innovation capacity and awareness-raising ; Institutional cooperation and cooperation networks ; Knowledge and technology transfer ; Regional planning and development ; Scientific cooperation ; SME and entrepreneurship
See the deliverable:
NEX_LABS_NJAP Recommendations.pdf