MED4EBM Data Gathering Campaign - Aqaba Diving Associations

Project acronym:
Project title:
منتدى متوسطي للإدارة القائمة على النظم البيئية
4.4 Integrated coastal zone management
Title of deliverable:
MED4EBM Data Gathering Campaign - Aqaba Diving Associations
This deliverable encompasses a comprehensive study conducted in collaboration with ten partner diving clubs, focusing on diving-related activities and reef check surveys across selected diving sites. The study aims to quantify visitation frequency, map diving loads, and provide daily environmental conditions at the sites. Additionally, it includes detailed Reef Check monitoring and descriptions of diving site attractions, facilities, and environmental stressors. The study's results are presented in this report, with detailed data provided in separate excel files for further analysis.
Keep Keywords:
Agriculture and fisheries and forestry ; Climate change and biodiversity ; Community integration and common identity ; Costal management and maritime issues ; Social inclusion and equal opportunities ; Tourism