مشروع Med Pearls يصدر أكثر المطبوعات شمولاً حتى الآن عن السياحة البطيئة

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23 أيلول 2020 - 11:10

إعلان مناقصة لمشروع ESMES: نظام للحصول على بيانات إستهلاك الطاقة

The content is available in English only

The Consorci De La Ribera, ESMES partner in Spain, has launched a consultation for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a power consumption data acquisition system and online platform.

Kindly follow the provided link for further details and attachments for the tender specifications. The deadline for submitting offers is Friday September 25th at 14:00 Spain time.

21 أيلول 2020 - 12:38

الحفاظ على نظافة شواطئنا مع مشروع CROSSDEV في الأردن

The content is available in English only

While the world is currently facing the disruptions caused by Coronavirus pandemic in our everyday lives, we cannot forget to protect our planet in every possible way.

JREDS, CROSSDEV partner for the Aqaba area (South Jordan), is fully committed in keeping our environment clean through an ongoing campaign aimed at removing marine litter from its local beaches.

21 أيلول 2020 - 12:34

Research Study on Slow Tourism: 5. Products with a Slow Tourism approach

21 أيلول 2020 - 08:10

Research Study on Slow Tourism: 6. Featured international events

21 أيلول 2020 - 08:09

Research Study on Slow Tourism: 3. Market research on Slow Tourism demand

21 أيلول 2020 - 08:08

Research Study on Slow Tourism: 4. Destinations with a Slow Tourism offer

21 أيلول 2020 - 08:07

Research Study on Slow Tourism: 2. Criteria and requirements for Slow Tourism packages

21 أيلول 2020 - 08:05

Research Study on Slow Tourism: 7. Innovative ICT solutions applicable to the Slow Tourism offer

21 أيلول 2020 - 08:04

Slow Tourism Product Creation Manual

21 أيلول 2020 - 08:02
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