ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM: وقع الاتفاقية التنفيذية وأصبح جزءًا من النظام البيئي المفتوح للأغذية الزراعية العضوية عبر الحدود


 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

In the framework of ENI CBC MED ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM Project: “Boosting cross border Organic Ecosystem through enhancing agro-food alliances”, the main objective of WP3 is to establish a Cross-Border Organic Agro-Food Open Ecosystem (hereinafter called Ecosystem).

The Ecosystem is an open network where complex interactions among different players with complementary background are produced. It is established on a well-structured national and cross border alliance, through a concrete collaborative approach and a synergistic effect. The Ecosystem aims at increasing cooperation and dialogue among private and public actors of the organic sector stimulating dynamic discussion and participatory exchange of experiences, problems, needs and possible sustainable solutions to scale up the Med organic sector and improve its competitiveness as well as to promote economic growth in Partner countries and in the Region.

This Executive Agreement, signed by ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM beneficiaries (Partners, Associated Partners, MSMEs, actors of organic and innovation chain), aims at giving an overview of general objectives, principles and conditions under which the partners of the Ecosystem intend to develop capacity building activities, knowledge sharing and cooperation, aimed at strengthening organic MSMEs in the Partner Countries supported by Competent Authorities (CAs, members of the Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Network-MOAN).

To become a part of this agreement and hence, of the Mediterranean agro-food organic ecosystem, send the following information to

  • Name
  • Organisation 
  • Country of operations
  • Email Address 

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