تبادل الخبرات الأردنية في استخدام المياه غير التقليدية ومياه الصرف الصحي المعالجة في الري: الجلسة الثالثة المواضيعية على شبكة الويب لمشروع PROSIM


    المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

Fresh water is becoming less and less available for irrigation. The use of Non-Conventional Water and Treated Wastewater emerges as a dependable water resources in water scarce Mediterranean countries.

As a front-runner in the subject, on the 25th of February 2021, the National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) organized the third web talk of PROSIM project presenting the Jordanian experience on the use of Conventional Water resources & Treated Wastewater management in Jordan and at the NARC center.

The meeting started with a welcoming of Dr. Mazahrih the Director General Assistant of NARC on behalf of the Director general to the participants. During the first session, Dr. Al-Hadidi the Head of Irrigation Management Department started with the water context in Jordan and the growing role of Non-Conventional Water and Treated WasteWater in Jordan where 91 % of the water was being reused mainly for irrigation. Then she presented the different experiences and founding of the NARC regarding the use of NCW and TWW.

Dr Mazahrih continued with a presentation on the irrigation management and current trajectory taken by Jordan which mainly focus on the use of Non-Conventional Water, water harvesting, enhancing the water use efficiency in irrigation, water and soil conservation and smart irrigation. He also mentioned the synergies between the PROSIM and MENWARA projects both funded by the ENICBCMED Program. The presentations were concluded by the guest lecturer Dr. Amdar, a research officer at the IWMI where she started with a presentation of her organization and then focused on the role of technologies and water accounting in conserving water resources. Dr. Amdar presented some snapshot on innovative approaches followed in the IWMI projects in the MENA region on wastewater reuse, the IRWI irrigation app, and the farm level accounting.

The web talk provided an important insight of the Jordanian and NARC experiences in Irrigation Management practices and the use of Non-Conventional Water resources and with participants from the different Mediterranean countries as Jordan, Tunisia, Spain, Lebanon and Egypt the Q/A session allowed to rise a lot of questions regarding the different used technologies applied in the Jordanian context and the potential repeatability on the PROSIM partner countries. As one of its main objectives, during this webtalk, the PROSIM project allowed exchange knowledge and experience among the partners.