[مشروع TEC-MED] نموذج الرعاية الإجتماعية في إسبانيا

 المحتوى متاح باللغة الإنجليزية

In Spain, the current model of care is governed by the Dependency Law (2006). As long-term care benefits, article 14 contemplates economic benefits and services, although the latter will be a priority and will be provided through the public offer of the Social Services Network by the respective Autonomous Communities (CCAA) through centers and duly accredited public services or private companies.

The services provided and available resources are different according to the CCAA, which causes inequalities in care. Services in the concerted and/or private sphere prevail, and with a clear fragmentation and disconnection between the Social System and the Health System (for example, they do not share digital platforms).

The current Dependency Law does not guarantee sufficient care needs and does not define a successful social-care model. The Dependency Law has created a pool of dependents with recognized rights who do not receive benefits that is related to the economic crisis, budget cuts and policies.