The Mediterranean library of knowledge

Explore the ENI CBC Med Programme's library of deliverables: a comprehensive digital repository of diverse resources tailored for the Mediterranean region. Discover in-depth studies, innovative strategies, and practical tools spanning tools addressing key environmental, economic, and social issues. The library is your go-to source to find valuable knowledge to inspire new collaborative projects driving fair, sustainable and inclusive development across the Mediterranean.

3.1.7_Policy Assessment grazed woodlands in Europe, Lebanon and Jordan

Silvo-pastoral systems have significantly contributed in shaping the landscapes of the Mediterranean basin. These systems vary widely according to the differing climatic, cultural and socio-economic conditions under which they are developed playing sheep and goats a crucial role in the farming economy of the Mediterranean basin thanks to their ability to exploit marginal areas, and as well for the limited labour and capital required for their management (Porqueddu et al., 2017). These farming systems have been shown to be resilient to frequent but moderate disturbance factors (i.e. deforestation, periodic fires and grazing) by developing strategies to maximize production of multiple goods and ecosystem services over several millennia (Zapata and Robledano, 2014). The report analyses policies supporting silvo-pastoral systems in Europe and Jordan as well as pastoralism in Lebanon.

3.1.6_Policy Assessment multifunctional olive systems EU level

The report aims to highlight how European agricultural policies promote agroforestry systems (section 1 and 2) and support the olive sector across the EU (section 3). The report is based on the consultation of relevant papers (project reports, scientific literature, European Commission documents) dealing with agricultural policies in Europe. The first part of the report (section 1) focuses on the definition of agroforestry systems and on the extent of agroforestry practices across Europe. In particular, the report aims to highlight the discrepancy between the scientific definition of agroforestry (that includes both trees and shrubs in combination with crops and or livestock) and the definition that was initially receipted by European policy (that included only trees on arable lands, Reg. 1698/2005). This is an important legal aspect, under the political point of view, since agroforestry is usually seen on the border between the agriculture and forestry sectors creating conflicts and confusion among the stakeholder communities, in particular policy makers at different levels (national, regional and local). Section 2 of the report aims to assess the Common Agricultural Policy (2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods) tools and measures promoting the establishment and management of agroforestry systems.

MedArtSal Handbook of good practices for coastal salt pans - final report

The MedArtSal project promotes the sustainable development of artisanal salinas in Italy, Spain, Lebanon and Tunisia, through the MedArtSal Model, which identifies and encourages the adoption of innovative sustainable actions in Mediterranean artisanal saltworks. This handbook provides information, research and innovative tools on sustainable actions that fall under the MedArtSal Model and support good practices and efforts in the salt flats through diversification of services, commerce, biodiversity preservation, ecosystem services and tourism. There are four sections covering key topics, including environmental quality and biodiversity, the diversification of goods and services in salt flats, best practices for governance and a final section showcasing case studies of salinas projects funded under MedArtSal in Italy, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia.

MedArtSal booklet for policy makers

The MedArtSal project aims to develop a comprehensive Sustainability Model for Coastal Artisanal Salinas in Mediterranean countries. To achieve this objective, the work has focused on two main areas: identifying the key aspects of sustainability within a salina and enabling Mediterranean salinas to enhance their salt production and economic management, environmental conservation efforts, and the development of innovative and diversified activities. This report illustrates the MedArtSal sustainability model, with an analysis of sustainability practices, the salinas situation in Lebanon, Italy, Spain, Tunisia and and general and policy recommendations.

Guide pour la surveillance des dechets marins et l'amelioration de la gestion des dechets dans le port de peche de Sfax (Tunisie)

This deliverable summarizes the results of a support process (mentoring) on prevention of marine in the port of Sfax. It includes a monitoring plan adapted to the fishing port of Sfax and its specific features, and a plan for the sustainable management of waste from land-based activities and marine sources.
The report will make it possible to
- Establish a regular monitoring plan previously tested with all the players involved in order to identify the problems of marine waste in the port of Sfax (typology, quantity, etc.).
- Identify the most appropriate measures for the prevention and mitigation of marine pollution and develop the process for its implementation.
- Strengthen the capacities of stakeholders and decision-makers in Sfax with regard to monitoring and measures to improve waste prevention and management of waste in the port of Sfax.

Successful Completion of MED4EBM Project Activities - Final presentations

We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the MED4EBM project activities, executed collaboratively by partners from Tunisia (INSTM), Jordan (UNDP-Amman and JREDS), and Italy (PROGES and Adt), on September 21, 2023. This milestone marks a significant achievement in the implementation of ecosystem-based management in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS), Amici della Terra - Toscana, and the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP extend their heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated team, collaborators, and participants whose unwavering commitment made this success possible.

Fisheries Management Data Analysis Deliverable

The fourth consultancy deliverable of the MED4EBM project presents a comprehensive analysis of fish catch data and associated fishing operations in the coastal zone of Aqaba, Jordan. Conducted between 28th August and 28th September 2023, this analysis focuses on key metrics such as fish counts (Kg), number of fishing trips, total catch (Kg), petrol consumption (JD), and fishing value (JD) across various locations including ACT, OPS, OPLB, HB, and OPM. The data reveals dynamic patterns in fishing efforts and returns, with notable fluctuations during specific periods and distinct trends across different fishing sites. Swordfish emerges as the dominant species, while other species display varying success rates. "ACT" consistently excels in fish count (Kg) and fishing trips, with "OPM" showing higher trends, indicating their potential attractiveness to fishermen. This analysis underscores the importance of careful fisheries management in the Jordanian coastal area, encompassing approximately 27KM with restricted fishing zones. It sets the groundwork for long-term, reliable data gathering, involving the fishing community directly to sustain their livelihoods and preserve the cultural heritage of traditional fishing practices while ensuring the viability of fisheries and regenerative fishing stocks in the region.

MED4EBM Data Gathering Campaign - Aqaba Diving Associations

This deliverable encompasses a comprehensive study conducted in collaboration with ten partner diving clubs, focusing on diving-related activities and reef check surveys across selected diving sites. The study aims to quantify visitation frequency, map diving loads, and provide daily environmental conditions at the sites. Additionally, it includes detailed Reef Check monitoring and descriptions of diving site attractions, facilities, and environmental stressors. The study's results are presented in this report, with detailed data provided in separate excel files for further analysis.

Mediterranean Forum for Applied Ecosystem-based management Launch Event

Mediterranean Forum for Applied Ecosystem-based management Launch Event Agenda and materials (video, photo, etc…)

Final event summary and proceedings : Mediterranean Forum for Applied Ecosystem-based Management

The Mediterranean Forum for Applied Ecosystem-based Management, funded under the ENI CBC MED Programme's thematic objective B.4, successfully organized its final event in Tunisia. Hosted by l´Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer (INSTM), the event served as a platform to showcase the project's outputs and achievements, highlighting the accomplishments of each Project Partner in their respective targeted areas. The event facilitated active cross-border collaboration, bringing together stakeholders from Tunisia, Jordan, Italy, and beyond. It featured a final workshop, semester 8 Steering Committee Meeting, and a Field Visit to the Kneiss Islands, the Project's target area in Tunisia. This document provides a comprehensive summary of the final workshop and field visit proceedings, focusing on the innovative computerized spatial planning management tool and the diverse mentoring and capacity-building initiatives undertaken to address integrated coastal zone management challenges.

MED4EBM Ecosystem Based Management Approach to Fisheries Aqaba Jordan

discussing eight years of fishery monitoring data (2014-2021) to guide collaborative fisheries management in Aqaba, Jordan. It engaged the local fishing community in developing sustainable strategies to protect fish stocks. The event aligns with the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority's goals for the Aqaba Marine Park and the MED4EBM project, marking the first step in ongoing efforts to safeguard marine ecosystems and ensure their sustainability

MED4EBM EB ICZM Decision Support System - Toolbox

Our Data Management Toolbox (DMT), a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline and manage data flow from various providers to the tabular and GIS databases of the four EB-ICZM-DSSs established by MED4EBM Partners. This toolbox enhances data categorization, indexing, and flow processes, ensuring efficient management and bi-unique linking of data records. Experience improved data management capabilities with our tailored DMT solution.