NAWAMED rassemble des acteurs clés pour discuter des obstacles à l'utilisation des ressources en eau non conventionnelles en Sicile


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NAWAMED partners aim to change the urban water management by means of innovative, sustainable, decentralised, and low-cost treatment technologies, to replace potable water with good quality Non-Conventional Water (NCW). To achieve this ambitious result, it’s imperative to strongly engage and involve key actors at the political level and discuss obstacles, solutions, technical and economic feasibility of the proposed technologies with them step by step. The final objective of these four meetings - defined as “Water Tables” - is to jointly prepare a strategic document with suggestions for fostering the use of NCW at the urban level in the Mediterranean region.

This process will start in Sicily on June 25 with the first “Water Table – potential barriers”, coordinated by the local partner, the EuroMediterranean Center for the Sustainable Development - SVI.MED, with the support of the associated partner, Ferla Municipality (Siracuse), and the network of technical professionals of Syracuse.  

The Sicilian public and private entities will contribute to the debate, stirred by two initial presentations by Giorgio Azzarello, Regional Commissioner of ATI Syracuse (Assemblea Territoriale Idrica Siracusa) and Francesco Giunta representing the Syracuse network of technical professionals. The presentations, focusing on the state of the art of laws, regulations, tools, and technologies for greywater reuse at urban level will allow the participants to identify the main obstacles that the following water table (foreseen in Autumn 2021) will address to find solutions.  

The online event, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 AM CEST is in Italian and is for the relevant private entities and public authorities. Nonetheless, if anybody is interested in participating, please register here to submit the request.  

Download the agenda here