International GREENinMED team tours Eurecat Technology Center of Catalonia in Barcelona


On February 22nd, representatives of the GREENinMED project from Spain, France, and Israel visited the Eurecat Technology Center in Barcelona. During the tour, GREENinMED partners were able to network, exchange best practices and know-how about water efficiency and water treatment, and about energy efficiency.

Eurecat (Technology Center of Catalonia) promotes the competitiveness of companies and the welfare of society through applied research and innovation. Eurecat offers to the business community technological services, technological consulting, specialized training, development of innovative products and services, applied R&D services, promotion and dissemination of technological innovation. The tour was guided by Frederic Clarens Blanco, responsible for the Waste, Energy, and Environmental Impact department, and Xavier Martínez Lladó, responsible for the Water Technology department.

Topics discussed:

  • Introduction,  with Eurecat's main fields of action
  • EURECAT is a foundation representing the union of the technology centres in Catalonia. It currently has 700 employees and has participated in 58 projects co-funded by the EU. It is worth highlighting the projects financed within the framework of H2020 and the LIFE calls for proposals on sustainability issues.
  • 50% of its activity are linked to SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). 
  • It fosters relations with start-ups and spin-offs through European projects.
  • Its activity ranges from feasibility analysis of ideas, testing, prototyping, search for solutions, and all types of applied research to the implementation of solutions.
  • Strong performance in sustainability programmes, especially in the energy sector
  • Exchange of information with GREENinMED partners on certain water technologies such as water technological treatment, chip sensors for reused water, and certain common energy technologies and issues such as cyber security to protect energy infrastructures or geothermal energy solutions.
  • Match with the benchmark of technologies of GREENinMED: Sustainable buildings were highlighted by participants
  • Hydrothermal, geothermal and aerothermal. Geothermal is the cheapest energy now
  • Batteries: Analysis of the different types of batteries, research on the second life of batteries. To know the life cycle and possible improvements for their efficiency and subsequent recycling.
  • Two case studies of control systems: iBathwater, and score water (projects).
  • Plastic recycling. Mainly focused on the creation of new components, but also carries out the manufacture of bioplastics and research into new polymers.
  • Strong performance in sustainability programmes, especially in energy.