GREENLAND in Egypt will offer free training to NEETs to adapt their skills to the green economy sector


From day one of GREENLAND project, the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), the Egyptian partner of GREENLAND, is working hard in order to reach the main goal of this project: help many people find some opportunities for a better professional life in Egypt & give them hope that their unemployment situation could be changed.

Based on this belief and after many meetings, AASTMT disseminated the project to Academia and through Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) visits -where many NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training people) are registered- to raise awareness about GREENLAND. At the same time, AASTMT carefully selected experienced mentors & created a flexible e-learning platform.

Finally, to ensure the stakeholders’ interest on GREENLAND trainees, different visits to factories and companies have been done to identify not only the green sectors in Egypt that need staff, but also the skills required.

GREENLAND will provide intriguing opportunities to the eligible people who are willing to join. A total of 2900 people will be trained (online or on site) for 15 days by experienced mentors and following innovative educational methods. After the training, a selection of green jobs will be available for them to select, such as in farms, companies or factories. All participants will get a certificate of attendance which certifies their knowledge on green & circular economy skills.

If you are interested to know about the NEETs selection criteria or the onsite lab skills training, just keep an eye in the official GREENLAND Facebook page and in the Egyptian one.