

FruitFlyNet-ii organizes a conference on olive and Med fruit fly treatment in Tunisia

The research team of FruitFlyNet-ii project organizes the conference "A Location Aware System against the med and olive flies". The event will take place at the Higher Agronomic Institute of Chott Mariem, Tunisia, on May 11th, 2022.

The speaker guests, Prof. Andrea Sciarretta (Università degli Studi del Molise, Italy), Prof. Theodore Tsiligiridis and Prof. Dionysios Perdikis, (Agricultural University of Athens, Greece) will discuss the decision and spraying process of MedFlyNet and OliveFlyNet system and the implementation of Location Aware System on them.

The conference aims at students, engineers, farmers, technical managers of farms and entomologists, (Regional Commissions for Agricultural Development concerned by ceratitis). Members - research institutes and technical centers of Institution of Agricultural Research and Education (IRESA) as well as the Agricultural Development Commission of Monastir, Mahdia, and Kairouan have been invited.

To read the full agenda of the event (in English) click here

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