MedTOWN: visiting other projects in Jordan to exchange experiences about empowering female entrepreneurs


Next step of MedTOWN team's trip was visiting two initiatives dedicated to women's empowerment and entrepreneurship, also led by the project local partner in Jordan, to exchange experiences.

The meetings were organized in March 2022 by JOHUD  الصندوق الأردني الهاشمي للتنمية البشرية, MedTOWN's partner in Jordan, to share with a group from Asamblea de Cooperación Por la Paz (ACPP), MedTOWN's leading partner, other projects they are carrying out in the country to improve women's lives and professional careers.  

The first stop was in the JOHUD's Digital Women's Centre in Sheikh Hussain, in Northern Jordan Valley, where the beneficiaries are learning skills and empowering themselves, specially through training in digital tools, in order to be prepared for new employment and business.

The second stop was in the Bint Bladi Company, in Northern Jordan Valley, Khriamh area, to learn more about a group of female beneficiaries, dedicated to pottery and food sector. The cooperative employs local women by creating healthy date bars and developing export plans.

The exchange of experiences with these two groups was very fruitful. They shared their learning about the benefits of co-production among women and discovered new aspects of interest to improve their projects.


Link to the full info about the visit to Jordan and Palestine in March 2022, here

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