
MedRiSSE organizes a webinar on building trust between public institutions and social innovation projects

The An-Najah National University, as partner of the MedRiSSE project, presents the next Webinar to foster learning and knowledge among the partners and stakeholders.

On this occasion, the chosen topic has been “Public Institutions and Social Innovation Projects: Building Trust” and it will be the perfect moment to bring to the lights and discuss about the definition of social innovation projects and how they interact with the government.


Along with the rest of the partners of the MedRiSSE project, associates and stakeholders, this 2nd Webinar will help to go deeper with other related terms such as policy advocacy or open dialogue that will be useful for those entities that wish to enhance their relationships and improve their knowledge about public sector.

Do not hesitate to join us on Thursday, 10th of November 2022 at 11 am (CET) on this link: https://najah.zoom.us/j/99336646727?pwd=Y1hSY3M0a29mYU1GSjlGRHptbE9FUT09

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