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MedBEESinessHubs subgrants are launched in Cyprus on 12th April 2023

The MedBEESinessHubs project partners in Cyprus are launching their subgrants of total value €64,700in a press conference next week, Wednesday 12th April 2023.

At least 12 beneficiaries from Cyprus will be awarded with a grant ranging from €2,000 - €5,000 for the development of the Bee Economy sector.

Bee Economy refers to the:

  • Production, reproduction and processing of bee-derived products, e.g. beeswax, honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, etc.
  • Provision of services and/or activities based on the theme of the Bee

The MedBEESinessHubs subgrants are addressed to natural persons, micro, small and medium enterprises, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

Deadline for subgrant applications is Wednesday 10 May 2023.

Guidelines for the completion of applications will be provided during the press conference.

During the event, the MedBEESinessHubs online exhibition hall will also be launched where bee-businesses will be able to promote their products and services free of charge. This online platform will additionally offer webinars in the beekeeping sector and other related Bee-economic activities, as well as a 'guided tour' of the Honey tourist routes that have been developed in the five Mediterranean regions of Cyprus, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon and Palestine.

Stay up to date with the MedBEESinessHubs project activities on Facebook

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