

Tunisia: Mediterranean CRE@CTIVE days "Collaborate to create innovation"

Monastir-El Fejja Competitiveness Pole (MFCPOLE), in collaboration with the Tunisian Association of Researchers in Textile (ATCTex), is holding the: « Mediterranean CRE@CTIVE DAYS: Collaborate to create innovation » on the 11th of July in neotex technopark, Monastir, Tunisia


The objective of this event is to share the accomplishments of the CRE@CTIVE project, including the products and prototypes developed through the project's grant, the establishment of a lab network, and the financial support provided to project holders. It also aims to communicate information about innovative and creative projects that have received sub-grants from the project and facilitate the creation of contact networks. The event will comprise a plenary session featuring presentations on the project and its achievements, followed by a discussion panel, a prototype exhibition, and a visit to the TecnoL@B facilities.


The event will gather a wide range of actors in the Euro-Mediterranean region. We will have the presence of project partners, National and Mediterranean companies, academia and researchers, policymakers, support organisations ad national media&press. It will be a networking opportunity and discover new opportunities and ways of collaboration.


To go far, go together: let's meet in Monastir -Tunisia on the 11th of July 2023!


To participate in the event, please fill in the online form via this link.


For more information about the event, check out the agenda at the following link.


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