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Revolutionizing Trucking and Port Operations: Unveiling Advanced Simulators in Cagliari, Italy at the TECHLOG Western Living Lab Event

In a groundbreaking event set to redefine the future of trucking and port operations, Cagliari, Italy, will play host to a two-day demonstration on October 19 and 20, 2023. This unique event marks the culmination of the Western Living Lab within the TECHLOG project and promises to bring cutting-edge technology to the forefront of the logistics industry. Truck drivers and quay crane operators from Italy, Spain, and Tunisia will converge in Cagliari to participate in a technical demonstration that showcases the potential of advanced driving simulators.

TECHLOG Project and the Living Labs: The TECHLOG project, a collaborative initiative aimed at fostering innovation in the logistics and transport sector, has borne fruit with the establishment of two Living Labs (Western Living Lab, based in Sfax, Tunisia; Eastern Living Lab, Beirut, Lebanon). These labs serve as a testing ground and as technological transfer resources for innovative solutions that can enhance the efficiency, safety, security, and sustainability of transportation and port operations. They are a testament to the power of international collaboration, with partners from across Europe, North Africa, and Asia coming together to drive progress in the industry.

Advanced Driving Simulators: At the heart of this event are state-of-the-art driving simulators, specially designed to cater to the needs of truck drivers and quay crane operators. These simulators provide a realistic and immersive experience, allowing operators to hone their skills and face various scenarios without the risk associated with real-world operations. Equipped with advanced technology, these simulators can replicate a wide range of conditions, from inclement weather to complex traffic situations, providing a comprehensive training environment.

Key Highlights:

  1. Hands-On Experience: Enterprises, stakeholders, and participants will have the opportunity to get behind the virtual wheel and operate quay cranes or trucks in a variety of scenarios, providing valuable insights into the potential applications of advanced simulators in their daily work.
  2. Networking and Knowledge Sharing: The event will offer a platform for participants to exchange ideas, best practices, and lessons learned from their experiences in the logistics industry. This knowledge-sharing aspect will be invaluable for fostering innovation and collaboration.
  3. International Participation: With participants hailing from the Western Living Lab (in particular from Italy, Spain, and Tunisia), the event showcases the cross-border collaboration that drives the TECHLOG project. It reflects the global nature of the logistics industry and the importance of shared solutions for common challenges.

The Future of Logistics: The advanced driving simulators being demonstrated at this event represent a glimpse into the future of logistics. By leveraging technology to enhance training and improve safety, the industry can reduce risks and optimize operations. The TECHLOG Living Labs are at the forefront of this transformation, serving as a beacon of innovation for the logistics sector.

The two Living labs are also supported by a web collaborative platform ( it is a system of collaboration and sharing information and skills for port and logistic companies in the Mediterranean area. This tool is designed to enhance the logistics services of port and transport companies by means of shared best practices and the definition of training standards for port and transport operators.

The event in Cagliari, Italy, on October 19 (starting at 9 a.m.) and 20, 2023, promises to be a milestone in the journey toward a safer, more efficient, and sustainable logistics industry. Truck drivers and quay crane operators from Italy, Spain, and Tunisia will come together to explore the potential of advanced driving simulators and share their experiences, ushering in a new era of logistics innovation. Don't miss this opportunity to witness the future of trucking and port operations unfold before your eyes in the beautiful setting of Cagliari, Italy.

Address of the event: L Block in the Department of Transport Engineering in the University Campus of Monserrato - S.P. Monserrato-Sestu Km 0.7 - 09042 Monserrato (CA) - Italy.

To participate and to have the full agenda, sign up here:

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