

Greek organic producers involve in local laboratories activities under ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project

The Centre for Innovation and Culture - InnoPolis will continue to hold local lab sessions with MSMEs who are organic producers, as part of the ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM project. In these upcoming meetings, the producers will show a keen interest in the presentations by innovation partners. They will ask questions, receive answers, and gain guidance to develop new concepts or prototypes, improve their existing products, and develop targeted communication strategies.

The sessions will take place both online and in person. Participants will express a strong interest in meeting MSMEs from South Med countries, primarily Lebanon and Jordan, during international labs. This will be with the aim of exchanging ideas for the improvement and promotion of their products.

The local laboratories will aim to cover various topics with specialized experts and will proceed individually with each operator to find solutions and develop a final demonstration. These laboratories will be physical and open spaces where actors of the innovative organic value chain, including MSMEs, innovators, and researchers, can interact in a cross-contamination process. This interaction will generate joint solutions favouring “user-driven innovations” and meeting market requirements. The feedback from these local laboratories will give the ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM clear indications about the local business communities’ needs, which will be useful for framing the cross-border strategy.


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