

TECHLOG Pilot Action in Tunisia - Shaping the Future of Logistics and Transportation

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sfax, in collaboration with the University of Sfax, is pleased to announce the TECHLOG Pilot Action event in Tunisia. Scheduled for Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at the Oliviers Palace Hotel in Sfax, this event will bring together key stakeholders in the logistics and transportation sector.

Date: Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM
Venue: Oliviers Palace Hotel, Sfax, Tunisia

The event will host the participation of various influential figures, including transport and logistics professionals, truck drivers trained within the Living Lab, university representatives, and operators in the transport field.

This Pilot Action event serves as a platform to showcase the groundbreaking work achieved within the TECHLOG project in Tunisia. Professionals in transportation and port operations, in collaboration with researchers, have spearheaded innovative technological transfer initiatives, particularly in the realm of driving simulators.

Throughout the day, the agenda will encompass presentations on the actions taken during the TECHLOG project, the presentation of achieved results, and discussions on the potential for the continued development of the project in Tunisia. The primary goal is to support innovative training for transport operators and foster an environment that propels progress in the logistics and transportation sector.

Event highlights include live simulator tests, where the performance of registered truck drivers will be assessed across various driving scenarios. Additionally, a stimulating roundtable discussion will provide a forum for participants to share insights and perspectives.

Stay tuned about the advancements in the logistics and transportation sector by following our updates as we approach the end of the TECHLOG project!

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