MEDWAYCAP Itinerant Exhibition

Project acronym:
Project title:
La voie méditerranéenne pour la capitalisation de l'innovation vers un développement urbain-rural intégré des ressources en eau non conventionnelles
4.1 Water efficiency
Title of deliverable:
MEDWAYCAP Itinerant Exhibition
A travelling exhibition of posters and small models realised to tell the story of proposals for managing non-conventional water resources, bringing technical solutions directly to the people. The heart of the exhibition is a collection of case studies and methodologies on the reuse of treated wastewater. Thirteen projects told through an original and sustainable apparatus. The main objective of the exhibition is to facilitate access to and the promotion of good practices in unconventional forms, taking into account the user experience.
Education and training material
Keep Keywords:
Changement climatique et biodiversité ; Construction et rénovation ; Technologies vertes ; Capacité d'innovation et sensibilisation ; Transfert de connaissances et technologique ; Nouveaux produits et services ; Gestion durable des ressources naturelles ; Développement urbain
See the deliverable:
MEDWAYCAP Itinerant Exhibition.pdf