iHERITAGE Egypt: Augmented Brochure

Project acronym:
Project title:
Plateforme méditerranéenne des TIC pour le patrimoine culturel de l'UNESCO
2.1 Technological transfer and commercialisation of research results
Title of deliverable:
iHERITAGE Egypt: Augmented Brochure
The iHERITAGE project aimed to blend technology with cultural heritage through an Augmented Brochure. Selected after a call for proposals, 5dVR, an Egyptian company, contributed their expertise in augmented reality. Together with project partner, the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations, they refined concepts, created content, and developed prototypes. Copies of the brochure were strategically distributed, where visitors interacted with it firsthand. This approach maximized engagement and awareness about Egypt's cultural heritage.
Keep Keywords:
Patrimoine culturel et arts