Intangible Cultural Heritage in Jordan: Analysis and Future Perspectives

Project acronym:
Project title:
Plateforme méditerranéenne des TIC pour le patrimoine culturel de l'UNESCO
2.1 Technological transfer and commercialisation of research results
Title of deliverable:
Intangible Cultural Heritage in Jordan: Analysis and Future Perspectives
This co-publication delves into the analysis of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in Jordan, building upon insights gathered from the living labs seminars and training module on Exploring The Medicinal Properties of Wild Plants from the Capital of the Nabataeans. Leveraging the IT expertise of Beeslab and the ICH knowledge of the authors, the publication examines Jordan's rich ICH landscape, drawing from the extensive database of the Ministry and the fruitful discussions held during the living labs seminars.
Keep Keywords:
Patrimoine culturel et arts ; TIC et société digitale