Register Of The Intangible Heritage Of The Mediterranean Inventorying 50 Lebanese Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements

Project acronym:
Project title:
Plateforme méditerranéenne des TIC pour le patrimoine culturel de l'UNESCO
2.1 Technological transfer and commercialisation of research results
Title of deliverable:
Register Of The Intangible Heritage Of The Mediterranean Inventorying 50 Lebanese Intangible Cultural Heritage Elements
The co-publication focuses on establishing and maintaining the Register of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Mediterranean as part of the broader iHERITAGE project under the ENI CBC "Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme." It delves into the collaborative efforts between Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (CCIABML) in Lebanon to identify, document, describe, photograph, and videotape 50 Lebanese intangible cultural heritage elements. Additionally, it covers the process of obtaining community consent and integrating the gathered materials into a platform for publication. Overall, the co-publication aims to highlight the significance of preserving and promoting intangible cultural heritage across the Mediterranean region through collaborative initiatives like the Register.
Keep Keywords:
Patrimoine culturel et arts