Catalogue of solutions available for the hospitality industry - Water and Energy saving technologies

Project acronym:
Project title:
Accélérer l’adoption de solutions éco-innovantes en matière de gestion de l’énergie et de l’eau par des PME méditerranéennes
2.2 SMEs access to research and innovation
Title of deliverable:
Catalogue of solutions available for the hospitality industry - Water and Energy saving technologies
The project partners have jointly defined a common transnational service to analyze innovative technologies/services/products that combine water and energy for the hotel industry that have great potential and that can be easily replicated in the smallest SMEs.
The GreeninMed project has selected a list of technologies, services and products to
support savings in water and energy consumption in the Mediterranean touristic
SMEs. The structure of the Benchmark presenting each technology is the following
• Technology general description,
• Advantages &disadvantage to estimate the feasibility installing the technology.
• The “potential use in hotel industry”
• Performance and savings potentially achievable applying the technology.
• References about manufacturers/providers of the technology
Keep Keywords:
Changement climatique et biodiversité ; Efficacité énergétique ; Technologies vertes ; Nouveaux produits et services ; PME et entrepreneuriat ; Tourisme