MEDUSA - Benchmarking study on Sustainable Innovative practices of Adventure Tourism

Project acronym:
Project title:
Développement et promotion du tourisme d’aventure durable en Méditerranée
1.3 Sustainable tourism
Title of deliverable:
MEDUSA - Benchmarking study on Sustainable Innovative practices of Adventure Tourism
Five countries (Spain, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and Italy) and strong partners from those countries have joined forces to launch the MEDUSA project. The general objective of MEDUSA is to develop a competitive form of Adventure Tourism (AT) in the Mediterranean, which is based on environmental and economic sustainability values and that aspire to create more business opportunities and new jobs for the local communities.
The main purpose of the study is to identify and provide insight into innovative sustainable adventure (40%) and sustainable tourism practices (tourism models, products and services) carried out by and in tourism destinations, including destinations in the Mediterranean region and elsewhere in the world.
The document is organised into 4 chapters, with an introduction to the approach and concept of the study, the topic of adventure tourism, the benchmarking model and international practices from all over the world and finally a short conclusion on the assessed practices, practical recommendations on the lessons learned and further practical implementation in the destinations.
Keep Keywords:
PME et entrepreneuriat ; Tourisme