Knowledge in Circular Economy Practices: Analysis Report on Impact Measurement for Circular Economy

Project acronym:
Project title:
RESET - Des résultats permettant d'activer les transitions: cartographier, synthétiser et intégrer les réalisations de soutien aux entreprises durables, vertes et circulaires en Méditerranée, pour favoriser la reproductibilité et l'élaboration de politiques
1.1 Start-ups and recently established enterprises
Title of deliverable:
Knowledge in Circular Economy Practices: Analysis Report on Impact Measurement for Circular Economy
The main objective of this report is to provide an analysis on the implementation of selected outputs within the 19 identified key projects under the theme of “Knowledge in Circular Economy Practices”. The report is designed to support stakeholders in identifying, capitalising on, and benefiting from existing outputs to enhance their work in relation to the identified theme.
Keep Keywords:
Clustérisation (mise en réseau) et coopération économique
See the deliverable:
Circular Economy_EN.pdf