IPMED: Policy Proposals for improving Intellectual Property environment in Jordan

Project acronym:
Project title:
Améliorer les capacités en Propriété Intellectuelle pour une croissance intelligente, durable et inclusive dans la région méditerranéenne
1.1 Start-ups and recently established enterprises
Title of deliverable:
IPMED: Policy Proposals for improving Intellectual Property environment in Jordan
The Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO) took the lead in managing the project of developing intellectual property capacities to achieve sustainable and smart growth in Mediterranean countries, which was also implemented with similar institutions in Greece, Italy, and Tunisia as part of the Mediterranean Neighborhood Mechanism. The project's main objectives were to develop small and medium-sized businesses in the industrial and service sectors, promote economic and social development, support emerging projects and creative and entrepreneurial ideas among youth and the women's sector.

One of the project's key goals was to analyze Jordan's intellectual property current policies and make recommendations to the relevant authorities in order to improve Jordan's intellectual property environment.

Policy recommendations
Keep Keywords:
Capacité d'innovation et sensibilisation ; Transfert de connaissances et technologique ; PME et entrepreneuriat