Effective conservation of coastal habitats across the Mediterranean

Project acronym:
Project title:
Renforcer la résilience socio-écologique dans les zones côtières méditerranéennes
4.4 Integrated coastal zone management
Title of deliverable:
Effective conservation of coastal habitats across the Mediterranean
A previous study within the ENSERES project showed that whereas PAs proved to be an effective tool to reduce land development along Mediterranean coastal areas, the ICZM Protocol had had no effect in doing so. This study aims to delve into those results by ascertaining the views of a range of relevant national and regional stakeholders on the
conservation status of Mediterranean coastal areas and the factors that most and least contribute to it.
Keep Keywords:
Changement climatique et biodiversité ; Gestion côtière et problématiques maritimes ; Gouvernance et partenariat ; Gestion durable des ressources naturelles