Co-Evolve4BG Pollution and other Anthropogenic Pressures Affecting Ecosystems Alexandroupoli & Samothraki scale, Greece scale

Project acronym:
Project title:
Coévolution des activités humaines sur le littoral et des systèmes naturels pour un tourisme durable et une croissance bleue en Méditerranée
4.4 Integrated coastal zone management
Title of deliverable:
Co-Evolve4BG Pollution and other Anthropogenic Pressures Affecting Ecosystems Alexandroupoli & Samothraki scale, Greece scale
The present deliverable aims at describing and studying the current situation taking into consideration pollution impact and all the predictable threats that are putting both environment and public health at stake. The focus will be put on the coastal zone of the 2 sub-areas of Pilot Area 2 of Co-Evolve4BG, namely Alexandropoulos and Samothraki located in the
Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, in Greece.
Keep Keywords:
Changement climatique et biodiversité ; Gestion côtière et problématiques maritimes ; Tourisme
See the deliverable:
GR-PA4-04_POLLUTIO_Final (1).pdf