A.2.5.3 Decalogue disseminated through the BEach CLEAN campaign (ITA, FRA, ENG, AR)

Project acronym:
Project title:
Réseau de gestion et de surveillance côtière pour la lutte contre les déchets marins en Méditerranée
4.4 Integrated coastal zone management
Title of deliverable:
A.2.5.3 Decalogue disseminated through the BEach CLEAN campaign (ITA, FRA, ENG, AR)
This document is part of the BEach CLEAN campaign, which aims to protect the environmental heritage of beaches and encourages a productive dialogue with tourism operators and citizens to raise awareness about the consequences of littering. The decalogue is available in Italian, French, English, and Arabic, and it outlines ten key principles or actions that individuals and businesses can take to help keep beaches clean and preserve their natural beauty.
Keep Keywords:
Gestion côtière et problématiques maritimes