MedBEESinessHubs: Policy document incorporating the Bee Economy concept in European and national policies

Project acronym:
Project title:
Les pôles apicoles méditerranéens pour une prospérité économique durable dans les zones rurales défavorisées
1.2 Euro-Mediterranean economic clusters
Title of deliverable:
MedBEESinessHubs: Policy document incorporating the Bee Economy concept in European and national policies
The MedBEESinessHubs project aims to protect the bees, managed and wild, by taking a different approach from that of existing policies, that stems from the notion of creating local economies that depend on the bees, thereby aligning individual incomes with the necessity to protect the bees and lead to a result of preserving biodiversity as a source of economic wellbeing. To achieve this objective, the project has undertaken several good practises at the level of pilot implementation, as illustrated in this document, which is a consolidation report of the five regional policy suggestion reports prepared and submitted for each region participating in the project (Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Italy).
Keep Keywords:
Changement climatique et biodiversité ; PME et entrepreneuriat