Projet BEEP: appel d'offres pour le modèle HBIM de l'étude de cas espagnole

Ce contenu est disponible uniquement en anglais.

BEEP Spanish partner, the "Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación, IVE" is looking for technical support for the development of the Heritage Building Information Modeling (HBIM) model of the "Palacio de Calatayud". Full Request for Quotation: click here.

The deadline for receiving proposals is 2 October 2020.

29 Septembre 2020 - 08:12

Overview of Med-EcoSuRe on RTCI Tunisian radio show

Marco Polverari, Executive Director of the Mediterranean Renewable Energy Center (MEDREC) has been invited as a guest to the show Actu_Plus on RTCI Tunisian radio, to give an overview of Med-EcoSuRe project, its objectives and main e

28 Septembre 2020 - 11:26

MoreThanAJob Newsletter Second Edition September 2020

28 Septembre 2020 - 11:18

Le projet STAND Up! recrute un gestionnaire de projet

Ce contenu est disponible uniquement en anglais.

28 Septembre 2020 - 09:44

Information Pill No. 7 - Advance UV disinfection technology

28 Septembre 2020 - 09:03

MoreThanAJob Third Press Release

27 Septembre 2020 - 19:42

Liban: le projet SOLE recrute

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

The Municipality of Jounieh, Lebanon is hiring a project manager and a communication manager under the strategic project SOLE ("High Energy Efficiency for the Public Stock Buildings in Mediterranean"). 

Deadline for applications is October, 1st.

Please find below the positions description and requested qualifications. 


The main responsibilities of the project manager will be the following:

25 Septembre 2020 - 17:13

Campagne COMMON Clean Up The Med : pas de frontières pour lutter contre les déchets marins

Ce contenu est disponible uniquement en anglais.

A cohesive Mediterranean in the fight against marine litter. From Algeria to France, from Greece to Malta, from Portugal to Palestine, hundreds of volunteers will meet each other on the beaches of the whole Mediterranean, armed with buckets, sacks, and gloves with a single goal: to clean them of waste for a cleaner sea.

25 Septembre 2020 - 12:57

Tunisie: TEX-MED ALLIANCES dévoilera des opportunités financières pour les startups et PME du secteur textile et de l'habillement

Ce contenu est disponible uniquement en anglais.

25 Septembre 2020 - 12:00

Liban: MEDSt@rts recherche un expert en microfinance

Ce contenu est disponible uniquement en anglais

The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Saida and South Lebanon (CCIAS), partner of MEDSt@rts project, is looking for an expert specialized in the microfinance sector.

The deadline for submitting applications is October 3rd.

25 Septembre 2020 - 09:55
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