Palestine : Med-EcoSuRe partage un plan de financement de rénovation énergétique pour accompagner les acteurs locaux dans la réforme des politiques locales


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During a webinar "Sustainable Energy: Renewable Energy Technologies. PV Solar Systems, Challenges & Opportunities in Palestine" organized by Moustadama - UNIDO Palestine Programme on Sustainable Energy for Industry, on the 24th June 2021, the An Najah National University-Energy Research Centre ERC, partner of Med-EcoSuRe, was invited to share studies and surveys on existing financing schemes as well as opportunities and barriers to Renewable Energy investment in Palestine developed within the project.

Prof. Imad Ibrik from An Najah National University presented the following items:

  • Existing financing schemes of Renewable Energy in building (Grants, Fiscal incentives, etc…) in Palestine.
  •  Challenges and opportunities of financing schemes of Renewable Energies in Palestine
  •  SWOT (StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunities, and Threats) analysis and Renewable Energy assessment in Palestine
  • The importance of financing schemes for the replicability of the project actions.  


It was highlighted during the event , that Med-EcoSuRe project offers an innovative approach to the definition and diffusion of cost-effective energy renovation within university buildings, with the perspective of extending results to the whole public buildings sector in the long term. Also Med-EcoSuRe foresees actions which are in line with the proposed strategies in Palestine.


Challenges are numerous, as well as the reasons to be optimistic. Success stories highlighted by speakers offered inspiring and practical best practices to lead the way to energy transition. The support and cooperation of all the local stakeholders in the reform of local policies and financing frameworks will lead the way to a speed growth of Renewables in Palestine for the benefit of industrial development.