Palestine : MEDSt@rts lance l'Observatoire du financement pour les entrepreneurs


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After a preliminary analysis on the local microfinance system, LEADERS International - partner of MEDSt@rts project – launched the Funding Observatory, an online platform with all available opportunities for entrepreneurs in Palestine, including microfinance loans, investments and technical services. 

The Observatory aims to foster financial stability and economic growth by promoting financial support instruments in Palestine and MENA. 

It allows aspiring and existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to explore, analyze, and identify potential funding opportunities through the support of financial promoters and professionals in the field. 

The database contains an array of financing instruments, including grant facilities, loans and investment opportunities that are available for Palestinian entrepreneurs and innovators.

Through a virtual help desk, entrepreneurs can now connect with microfinance organisations to grow their business ideas and contribute to creating more jobs. 

Check the Funding Observatory at: