Un expert en cartographie des connaissances est requis à l'ADR dans le cadre du projet MedArtSal


Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

ADR-Association For The Development Of Rural Capacities (Lebanon) is seeking to hire a short-term consultant who will work on “Definition of a Framework for Knowledge Mapping and Transferring Design” in the framework of the project “Sustainable Management Model for Mediterranean Artisanal Salinas” (MedArtSal) funded by the European Program ENI CBC MED 2014-2020.

MedArtSal Project aims to promote the sustainable development of the Artisanal Salinas, providing concrete support on economic, environmental and governance issues. The project implementation is done through a partnership between 8 partners from Italy, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia.

Deadline for applications is 18 May 2020.

Access the job description here.