Project news

STAND Up!: Meet the 4 green circular start-ups selected for the incubation phase in Italy

The selected ventures have been chosen by a board of fashion and sustainable experts coordinated by the Prato Textile Museum.

Project news

RESMYLE: Young people take us on a journey through the history of the town of Hammamet in Tunisia

12 young people present their work on the inventory of built heritage through an exhibition in Dar Sebastian, Hammamet.

Project news

iHERITAGE Portugal: What is Mediterranean Diet and how does its safeguarding impact the region?

iHERITAGE project partner, the University of Algarve, explores the value of Mediterranean Diet and the large impact it has had on the Portug…

Project news

RESMYLE - Italy: Street art for sustainable development

The power of Art as an engine of change and raising awareness about sustainable development in Campania, Italy.

Project news

MoreThanAJob: 10 winning projects to promote social and employment inclusion of vulnerable groups

Two projects per participating countries (Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine) were selected: from career guidance to family and in…

Project news

DECOST involves influential women from Anabta, Palestine in waste reduction and recycling awarness campaign

The project is engaging active women from some associations in the public awareness activities about composting and waste management.

Project news

MedTOWN Portugal: the Lisbon neighbourhood where an Agroforest was born

The main intention of Bela Flor Respira Agroforest in Campolide is to promote this reciprocity, neighbourliness & cooperation - which should flourish in any neighbourhood.

Project news

GREENLAND project is looking for a technical consultant in Greece

The deadline for submitting applications is the 30th of September 2021 at 4.00 pm (Greece local time).

Project news

RESMYLE is active with 16 workshops, 64 young people involved and 13 wining projects

Want to know more about RESMYLE current activities and how to be involved, check our 2nd newsetter in 4 languages!