Project news

CLUSTER in Catalonia launches its free training courses in Sustainable Economy sectors

These trainings target unemployed youth and women in Catalonia. Deadline for the onsite training on organic farming : 30th April 2023.

Project news

Project news

"Joining InnovAgroWoMed has been a great personal and professional reinforcement”

Valencian Isabel Tomás Castelló has started her own agro-transition advisory and consultancy business thanks to the grant and the training received in the framework of the Inn…

Project news

Skills4Sports partners got inspired by professional runner and learnt about sport´s business

Motivation and mental work, needed skills in the sport business, tips on how to manage sport´s events: here are some points addressed during the Skills4sport strategic allianc…

Project news

Project news

MedRiSSE: women's cooperatives as agent of change

Through this webinar, participants discovered 5 women’s cooperatives and how they can be an empowerment tool and agent of change in Mediterranean countries.

Project news

MYSEA in Lebanon concludes first part of its training courses

200 participants across the country, supported by 26 trainers and coordinated by the Lebanese Development Network (LDN), completed the soft skills course.

Project news

SIRCLES in Italy shares the testimony of one of its trainee on circular economy

"It was intense but a rewarding training journey", Rosa Mafalda Campanella, a SIRCLES trainee in Italy. Read her testimony about getting involved in organic waste ma…