Project news

The trainers in Egypt made an internal tool to reduce the survey time during the cases studies of the TEC-MED project

The intensive training was conducted for the selected six training agents on the platform to know how it works and how to deal with it.

Project news

YEP MED in Italy trained 17 young people in port administration

Between the 20th of October and the 7th of November 2022, the Port Authority of Civitavecchia in Italy finalised the 2nd edition of the YEP MED training in Administrative Proc…


Project news

MedRiSSE fosters debate on public sector involvement in social innovation

The need to adapt the legal framework to facilitate the work between the public sector and social and solidarity economy actors is a key issue when tackling social innovation.

Project news

INTERNISA in Tunisia launched digital training to support women

In different sectors such as tourism, agri-food, textile and to adapt to the new working reality post covid.

Project news

EMPHASIS project provides its Innovative Support Services to 4 Lebanese SMEs

EMPHASIS Lebanese partner selects 4 SMEs to engage with open Innovation ecosystem and provide them advisory services to enhance their innovation capacity to build partnerships…

Project news

EMPHASIS' final beneficiaries to participate in the Mediterranean Innovation Hub in Barcelona

The Mediterranean Innovation Hub aims to connect entrepreneurs, corporations, investors, and the public sector in the Mediterranean to gener…

Project news

CLUSTER debated developments in the upcoming trainings on fields of sustainable economy

CLUSTER consortium met to debate developments in the creation of catalogues aiming to raise awareness of market needs and ways to address them.

Project news

TECHLOG Digital Platform to benefit at least 16 Transport and Logistics Companies

TECHLOG Partner in Beirut is set launch a digital platform to embrace logistics and transport companies' innovation needs from across the Mediterranean

Project news

SIRCLES in Greece puts in practice organic waste management with the locals in Andros

This 2-day training involved the trainees but also schools, restaurants, groceries, hotels and homes.